Andorien Enterprises presents...
Dynamis • Seraph • Goblet • Ward 10 • Plot 5
In the sprawling city of Ul'dah, where adventurers embark on grand quests and kingdoms rise and fall, a hidden gem beckons those seeking refuge from their trials. This gem is the "Secret Garden," a magical nightclub in the suburbs of Ul'dah, the bustling desert city known for its luxury and extravagance.Long ago, when Ul'dah was still being carved from the arid land, a legendary bard named Seraphina enkindled the dreams of her fellow residents. Seraphina was more than a performer; she was a muse whose melodies wove enchantments that transcended mere notes. Deeply moved by the city's growth, she created a sanctuary where weary souls could find solace amidst the urban hustle.Guided by a vision, Seraphina discovered a forgotten courtyard hidden behind the city's towering walls. She uncovered an oasis adorned with radiant flowers, luminescent mushrooms, and a mysterious portal to the night sky through a concealed passage. This garden was untouched by time, an otherworldly haven where the realm of Eorzea intertwined with the magic of the cosmos.Gathering a small cadre of artisans, Seraphina transformed the courtyard into the "Secret Garden," a refuge for adventurers and city dwellers seeking solace from their challenges. The space was adorned with ethereal flora and crystalline sculptures that emitted a soft, calming light. It was a place where the boundaries between reality and fantasy blurred, and individuals could bask in the soothing embrace of music and the night.The nightclub quickly gained legendary status, not for its opulent offerings but for the enchantment it bestowed upon its patrons. Seraphina's performances became renowned across Eorzea, and her ballads, accompanied by the luminous constellations that adorned the night sky within the oasis, transported visitors to a realm of dreams and wonder.Over the years, "Secret Garden" remained hidden from the bustling streets of Ul'dah, accessible only to those who could perceive its magic. The nightclub's reputation grew not through advertising but through word of mouth as patrons shared tales of their magical experiences within its walls.To this day, "Secret Garden" continues to thrive, an ethereal oasis where adventurers, scholars, and artists gather to experience a fleeting moment of respite from their arduous journeys. The legend of Seraphina's enchanted oasis lives on, whispered in the winds of Eorzea as a reminder that even in the most bustling of cities, a hidden sanctuary exists where magic and music intertwine. Dreams come to life under the starry night sky.
Willow Andorien
Zani Andorien
Nyxantho Luxan
Ortho Grey
Ya’mira Cornwelle
Yod Roehgeim
Dis Bish